Questions and advice?

Do you have any questions or comments? Please use the contact form below to do so.
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A heat cable converts electricity into heat ... But how to proceed?
Would you like advice on your specific application? For this we need the following information:

1- the purpose - what problem is to be solved?
2- brief description of the situation, your application
3- particularities, limitations, preconditions

We advise you without obligation and select - if possible - the most suitable product for your application.
If we cannot offer a good solution, we will also inform you about "why".
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Our employees at Voltanova are having a well-deserved vacation.

Voltanova will be closed from 26-7-24 to 11-8-24.

All orders will be picked up starting Monday, August 12.

Please note that all emails and messages will not be picked up again until Monday, August 19.